Planning Newsletter Glitch at EDDC


Due to a technical glitch at the EDDC Planning department, we are still not able to update the Recent Planning Applications and Recent Planning Decisions links on our Planning page. The last newsletters we received were on the 13th December.

Other links on our page are working, so if you need to search for the status of an application you can still do so.

Apologies on behalf of EDDC, but we are told they are working on the problem.


N-E-W-S All points of the compass.

At the All Saints Parish Council meeting on the 9th of July 2024, the chair of the council, Steve Holt, gave an interesting presentation about a new set of guiding principles that the Parish Council has now formally adopted.

This set of principles will be known as the Communication Programme for All Saints or COMPAS for short.  COMPAS has an overarching purpose to

“Create a Parish where the community feels as one”.

This website has now had some subtle updates that are signposts to COMPAS.  One of the most obvious is a new About Us menu item.  Another is an update to the Councillors page.  This now has a new link for every councillor’s role within the council.  Click the link to understand the role.

And finally, the presentation that Steve gave is available from the top of the Policies menu.

So please take a look. We really DO welcome questions and feedback, good or bad – either through the clerk or to individual councillors. 

Civic Voice Press Release

Civic Voice response to Labour’s housing and planning reform announcements

Civic Voice is the national charity for the civic movement in England. They work to make places more attractive, enjoyable, and distinctive, and to promote civic pride. Their network of member societies includes 75,000 individuals who care about the quality of where they live.

Click here for their Press Release responding to Labour’s housing and planning reform announcements.

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