
All planning applications can be viewed on the East Devon District Council (EDDC) Planning portal.

Click to visit the EDDC planning portal home page or to search for a planning application.

Recent Applications

Here is a list of applications that were discussed by the Parish Council at the November 2024 meeting.

23/2663/FUL – Lily Cottage Goldsmith Lane, All Saints Axminster EX13 7LU

Demolition of cottage and erection of new dwelling.

This application has been registered many times since 1981 and has been refused each time.

All Saints Parish Council do not support the application as there are no changes to our previous submissions concerning this application.

The proposed development is outside the Defined Settlement Boundary in the East Devon Local Plan 2013-2031.

The proposed development is lower in height and smaller than the development refused at appeal in May 2022, but it is still many times the footprint of the original cottage and larger than the other properties in the vicinity.

FP41 Diversion Request from landowner

Unanimously supported and fed back to Devon Council Public Rights of Way.

Recent Applications in Local Postcodes

Here is a list of recent planning applications from the EDDC planning website.

Click to show recent planning applications from EDDC – 13/12/2024

Recent Decisions in Local Postcodes

Here is a list of recent planning decisions from the EDDC planning website.

Click to show recent planning decisions from EDDC – 13/12/2024

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