East Devon District Council – Residents’ Update
Here is the latest EDDC Residents Update.
Creating a Parish where the community feels as one
Here is the latest EDDC Residents Update.
Not strictly Parish Council Business… but we thought this was worthy of posting here.
A rather dull day weather-wise for the tree planting to commemorate our former Chairman, Alistair Forbes, 10 years of service to the Parish Council, but at least the rain stayed away.
A very dapper Alistair arrived to oversee the proceedings, the hole was dug, the tree planted and Alistair put in the first shovel of soil, job done! The event was attended by All Saints Parish councillors and residents, along with a few doggie friends, who wanted to help with the digging. Then it was back to the Pavilion for hot drinks, biscuits and some socialising.
Click an image to enlarge it.
Cllr Gary Hall (Chairman), thanked Alistair for his long service and presented him with a bottle of whisky and a bunch of flowers for his wife Mary. We look forward to seeing the two trees we have planted, a Silver Birch and a Mountain Ash (Rowan), thrive and provide enjoyment for all the residents of All Saints Parish.
Commemorative plaques will be added in due course.
Annual Parish Meeting – 7th May, 2024 – 6pm
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on the 7th May, 2024 in the All Saints Village Hall.
Note that this meeting is the Annual Parish Meeting – so please try to attend to listen and contribute.
Also – please note that this meeting will start 1 hour earlier than usual at 6pm.
Cricket Field & Pavilion Working Group
The Terms of Reference for the Cricket Field and Pavilion Working Group have now been published. This document explains how the Working Group will be established, its goals and objectives, together with its deliverables.
If you are interested in getting involved with the regeneration of this local asset, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council.
You can see the Terms of Reference document in the Policies menu.
A message from Stuart Hughes at Devon Council about Winter Carriageway Conditions
Stuart Hughes from Highways has sent this message to all residents in Devon.
January 2024
Following the period of extended wet weather that we have experienced over the festive period the Highways and Traffic Management Service has experienced a significant increase in the number of potholes reported by the public and recorded through the Highway Safety Inspection process.
This increase in numbers highlights the fragile nature of our carriageways due to the long term lack of capital funding, leading to under investment. This situation is undoubtably going to get worse over the next couple of weeks as the current cold spell leads to further deteriorations due to freeze thaw effects.
If you receive direct contact by members of the public regarding potholes it would help if they are encouraged to use the ‘report a problem’ webpages. www.devon.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/report-a-problem/ Once a defect has been reported by the public the Service aims to visit and triage the report within 3 working days on our higher category road network, and 7 days in our lower category network. The Triage Officer will then arrange the appropriate response based on the Council’s Highway Safety Policy.
Should members of the public contact you regarding the late repair of defects or suggestions that defects have been closed down without action, please ask for the reference number (it starts with a D) that they will receive when they made the report. With this number it is much easier to follow up on these enquiries. In addition to the increase in defect repairs the additional task of gritting the network is likely to stretch resources, particularly if this cold snap continues for any length of time. Currently the road surface temperatures are rising above zero in the daytime. When they remain freezing all day we enter a cycle of continuing to grit the roads throughout the day.
This draws heavily on resources. The potential impact will be the need to focus on the safety critical operations over the planned improvement works such as patching and drainage improvements. While this is frustrating for our communities, the safe operation of the network has to be prioritised.
The Network Response Team are in daily communication with our contractor, Milestone, to assess the current demand, adequacy of resources and priorities. This includes identifying non-safety or ‘serviceability’ defects that do not meet safety defect criteria, but that may represent sufficient deterioration to be considered a nuisance or are likely to continue to deteriorate further. Where defects are situated in close proximity to one another, inspectors can specify larger patch repairs to encompass those defects.
In addition to identification and repair of non-safety defects we are continually innovating and trialling new products and processes to improve the efficiencies associated with defect repairs. For example, the recent trial of a product called ‘Elastomac’ which we demonstrated at County Hall back in the summer (a mastic asphalt that utilises around 70%-80% recycled materials). This is in parallel to now established processes like the dragon patchers we operate in Devon.
Whilst pothole numbers may be higher than we’d like in the weeks ahead, it’s worth reflecting on where we might be if it wasn’t for a combination of these combined efforts. To give you an understanding of the current level of resources, at present there are up to 26 defect gangs across the County undertaking pothole repairs, supported by 2 additional sub-contractor gangs. With regards to serviceability repairs, we currently have around 8 internally resourced Milestone gangs carrying out larger scale repairs across the County.
In addition to this they are being supported by two externally resourced gangs and further work is underway as we speak in potentially bringing in one or two further sub-contractor gangs. Lastly, all four dragon patching gangs are on programmed work this week and will continue whilst the weather remains favourable.
As I reported before Christmas, the additional £6.663m is already being invested into the carriageway with additional serviceability patching and local planned works brought forward in the programme. Again, I would encourage you to continue liaising with your local Neighbourhood Officer to agree future priorities.
Stay Safe
Stuart Hughes
Cabinet member for Highway Management
Tree felling on Wednesday, 17th January 2024 in the Cricket field
Please be advised that on Wednesday 17th January 2024, two trees with Ash Dieback, located between the DAA Night Landing site and the hedge bordering Goldsmiths Lane, will be felled on the cricket field side.
We request Parishioners to avoid this area whilst work is in progress.
Thank You.
Linda Ledingham
Parish Clerk
A new subscriber!
Following on from the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday evening (9th January, 2024), it’s great to see that we have a new subscriber to this website!
A Mr. Shaw (of Churchill) has put his head above the parapet and hit the Subscribe button!
Welcome Mr. Shaw – you will never miss out on Parish Council news again!
Oh! And everyone else – spread the word about subscribing.
New Highways section added to website.
We’ve just added a new section to the website. This will show any published notices from us or EDDC pertaining to highways, roadworks and road closures.
Select it Highways the navigation menu at the top of each page.
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