A rather dull day weather-wise for the tree planting to commemorate our former Chairman, Alistair Forbes, 10 years of service to the Parish Council, but at least the rain stayed away.
A very dapper Alistair arrived to oversee the proceedings, the hole was dug, the tree planted and Alistair put in the first shovel of soil, job done! The event was attended by All Saints Parish councillors and residents, along with a few doggie friends, who wanted to help with the digging. Then it was back to the Pavilion for hot drinks, biscuits and some socialising.

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Cllr Gary Hall (Chairman), thanked Alistair for his long service and presented him with a bottle of whisky and a bunch of flowers for his wife Mary. We look forward to seeing the two trees we have planted, a Silver Birch and a Mountain Ash (Rowan), thrive and provide enjoyment for all the residents of All Saints Parish.
Commemorative plaques will be added in due course.